Services: Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

48 Results
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Sant'Anna Movie Theater

Cinema / Theatre  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

The Movie Theater is located in Champoluc’s central square, inside the former church of Saint Anne. It is open during the high season periods.
Consult the calendar of the shows in the “Events” section.

    (+39) 0125.307113

Consorzio turistico Val d'Ayas

Tourist stakeholders associations  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Il Consorzio Turistico Val d'Ayas Monterosa è l'organizzazione dedicata alla promozione e allo sviluppo turistico dei comuni di Ayas, Brusson, Challand Saint Anselme e Challand Saint Victor nella Val d'Ayas. Le attività principali includono la promozione del territorio attraverso campagne di marketing mirate, la creazione di pacchetti turistici su misura per soddisfare le esigenze dei visitatori, l'organizzazione di eventi locali e la produzione di servizi fotografici e video per mostrare le attrazioni della nostra destinazione.


    (+39) 3484458175

Il Golo Pub Gelateria

Discotheque / Night Clubs  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Il ritrovo per eccellenza, dove gustare eccellenti gelati artigianali e molto altro.

Column for charging electric vehicles

Petrol stations  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

The Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley is active on the issue relating to electric mobility, thanks to a project, E-Vda, co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, which allowed the installation of about 35 columns for the electric vehicle charging in localized areas of the regional territory.

The recharging points generally consist of a column that allows the simultaneous recharging of 2 electric vehicles.


  • Occasional users: 1 hour charging session, extendable,
    it can be activated by paying € 2.50 with telephone credit, by sending an SMS to the number 4882882 and indicating the socket number indicated on the column next to each charging socket.
  • Users registered in the D-Mobility app: recharge session from 1 to 3 hours, can be activated by paying € 2.50 per hour directly via the app (without any contract).

Possibility of activating a Flat product on a monthly subscription or a Rechargable with pre-paid credit (info at the addresses indicated in the “Contacts” section).
