Favò Festival
Località: Aymavilles
Ozein village
Meals: for a fee
The hamlet of Ozein di Aymavilles can be found 7km from the capital. Take the Regional Route 47 for Cogne as far as the fork on the left that climbs up for 4 km and leads to your destination.
Tasting of local products, musical entertainment and demonstration of old crafts along the village streets. Evening dance with the Orchestra Michel Capuano
Lunch and dinner with “Favò” and other dishes.
Games for kids, Holy Mass at 4 pm, concert at 5 and at 9 pm with the group Caronte
Of particular prestige is the “Favò” Festival that is held there each year in July in Ozein, a hamlet of Aymavilles. The festival started out life assessing this delightful dish, the Favò, whose ingredients are typically mountainous: pasta, fontina cheese, black bread toasted in butter, sausage, bacon and delicious broad beans.
The delights to one’s palate are accompanied by an atmosphere from the past where the entire village relives old, and often forgotten, trades; the dairyman, the carpenter, the sculptor, skilled weavers…..everyone then lets their hair down with folk dances and songs.