At lunch with snowshoes

Шамполюк /Айас /Антаньо

  • суббота 26 Февраль 2022
Время работы и затраты Программа

Winter is a wonderful season at the foot of Monte Rosa where, thanks to the snow, everything becomes secret and hidden. The knowledge of the area allows you to walk on old paths even in this season without making too much effort. We will go to the discovery of the specialties offered by the Vieux Crest Refuge in Val d’Ayas, where a nice steaming polenta and some stew will help the participants to recover from the efforts made in the white snow.

Estimated travel time: 5h-6h
Difference in height: about 600 m
Difficulty. E - Hiking
Maximum number of participants: 20
Minimum number of participants: 9
Recommended clothing, equipment and materials: necessary: ​​hiking boots, down jacket, windproof and / or rainproof jacket, winter hiking pants, backpack, hat, bottle with hot drink, sunscreen, sunglasses. Recommended: sticks, camera and binoculars.
Other useful information: the temperature can vary throughout the day. At the start it could be even a few degrees below zero and then rise during the excursion.
In case of bad weather: the tour will be canceled.
Booking procedure: send an email to

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