Snowshoeing in Paradise

Шамполюк /Айас /Антаньо

  • четверг 05 Январь 2023
Время работы и затраты Программа

Winter is a wonderful season in Aosta Valley where, thanks to the snow, everything becomes secret and hidden. Animals that choose not to hibernate face a very difficult time in their life. Discovering their adaptations and their characteristics will make the day magical and make us discover Heaven on earth!

Estimated travel time: 5h-7h
Difference in height: about 600 m
Difficulty: E - Hiking
Maximum number of participants: 15
Minimum number of participants: 9
Recommended clothing, equipment and materials: necessary: ​​hiking boots, down jacket, windproof and / or rainproof jacket, winter hiking pants, backpack, hat, bottle with hot drink, sunscreen, sunglasses. Recommended: poles, camera and binoculars.
Other useful information: packed lunch at the expense of the participant. The temperature can vary throughout the day. At the start it could be even a few degrees below zero and then rise during the excursion.
In case of bad weather: the tour will be canceled.
Booking method: send an email to

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Guide Trek Alps

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