King Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy and the ibex


  • вторник 03 Август 2021
Время работы и затраты Программа

Suggestive excursion in the Valsavarenche valley towards the royal hunting lodge of Orvieille, between history and nature, in the Gran Paradiso National Park accompanied by the Guides of the Park. The itineray winds through a coniferous forest to lake Djouan.

Hiking time: 6 hours 30 minutes
Difference in altitude: 500 metres
Difficulty: for hikers
Recommended equipment and material: hiking boots, ruckpack, wind jacket, hat, sun glasses, sticks, and packed lunch
In case of bad weather? : in case of very bed weather the excursion will be cancelled with refund of participants. In case of rain the excursion will take place anyway, or alternatively it will be cancelled with refund of participants.
How to reserve: reservations can be made before 6 p.m. of the previous day by phone at (+39)329 2720787 or (+39)338 4599714

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