Ru de Vens - Jovençan (Avise)


  • Уровень трудности:
    E - Randonnée
  • Лучший период:
    Май - Октябрь
  • Пункт отправления:
    Vens (1735 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Jovençan (Avise) (1865 m)
  • Расписания:
    129 m
  • длина:
    6645 m
  • Durata Andata:
  • Segnavia:
    30 - 30A - 1E
  • Tracciati GPS:
    GPX , KML

“Ru de Vens”: an irrigation channel of several km long that carried the water from natural streams to cultivated areas and to mills and sawmills.

Типичные блюда

From Vens take the itinerary n.30 that after 5 minutes turn on the left and follow the old and suggestive track along the irrigation channel Ru de Vens.
After a first equipped and exposed stretch with a view of Vedun, the path gets deeply in the larch and fir wood. Then the trail continues until to reach the gravel road which descends from the Col de Joux and which continues in the long and flat Vertosan valley full of mountain pastures.
Finally, you reach Jovençan hamlet, in Avise munipality, where you can find also a restaurant open in summer.


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