Col Serena


  • Лучший период:
    Январь - Апрель
  • Esposizione:
  • Пункт отправления:
    Praz-Mollé (1660 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Col Serena (2547 m)
  • Расписания:
    877 m
  • Durata Andata:


Aosta East motorway exit; head in the direction of the Great St. Bernard Tunnel, as far as the square at the Crevacol ski-lift facilities.

Very easy excursion, short and very popular, ideal as a start of season excursion. Be aware of the danger of avalanches in the last stretch before the pass.

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Park your car in the square at the Crevacol ski-lift facilities and follow the road that passes under the viaduct then pass on the left side of the river. Follow the estate road for a stretch, then head up to the left as far as an Alpine Hut and pick up the inter-estate road. Follow it, cutting across it in certain parts along pretty slopes as far as the Bois Bas mountain pasture. After a while, cross over to the left between the larches and climb up the vast valley in the direction of the pass with a non-obligatory route.
Descend the upward itinerary.


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