Lo Pan Ner - Challand-Saint-Anselme
Orte: Challand-Saint-Anselme
Sabato 3 ottobre
dalle ore 11,00 inizio panificazione
dalle 14,00 alle 17,00 pomeriggio in allegria
Per chi volesse prenotare il pane può farlo al n° 3284710590 (Marino)
The community ovens of the villages of nearly 46 Aosta Valley municipalities will all fire up on to bake the traditional black bread.
Some ovens have been restored and are still in use today: an opportunity for local social gatherings and handing down local traditions.
Bread baking activities are carried out by the volunteers of the various villages, therefore the programs of local initiatives may vary. The location of the ovens and the program of local events is continuously updated on the event website (link indicated in the contacts).