
A natural catalogue of plants and reconstructed mountain environments

The garden, established in 1955, takes its name from the Paradise Lily, Paradisia liliastrum, with its delicate white flowers. The garden is currently home to 1,000 species of diverse geographic origin, primarily from the Alps and Apennines as well as from European, Asian and American mountain chains. It is possible to admire the collection of spontaneously growing lichen of extreme beauty and rarity, scattered over ten boulders. Various other mountain environments of the area have been reconstructed, such as the vegetation growing in the humid areas, the moraines and on limestone detritus. There are 2 itineraries to these areas, both of which can be followed with the help of a publication.

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley