The ways to do sports on and off the snow are increasingly numerous and exciting. The paragliding flight in the Matterhorn valley is unforgettable, to be tried in complete safety with expert instructors. 

Classic flight, gliding flight, thermal flight, evening flight are just some of the proposals. Possibility of making flights even in summer, in various locations in the Matterhorn Valley and the Aosta Valley.

A tandem flight with a paraglider allows you to experience a unique emotion. Trust the experience of your instructor and abandon yourself to the feeling of absolute freedom.

Fans de Sport has a certified paragliding school that can introduce you to flying and prepare you to take the state exam to obtain the patent.

In Breuil-Cervinia, during the winter season, flights are normally carried out from the arrival station of the Pancheron chairlift above Plan Maison.

Don't miss the fabulous flight that takes off from La Magdeleine and lands in Antey-Saint-André, where there is an equipped landing area.

Takeoffs are also possible from Châtillon from Nissod hamlet (1,350 metres above sea level) and from Saint-Vincent, from  Salirod (1,000 metres).