Wellness, in the Aosta Valley, is first of all the pleasure of feeling welcome in a hospitable land.

The beauty of its landscapes is a veritable invitation to relax and to sit back and reflect; the nature of the Alps invites you to walk, to practice outdoor sports and to embrace healthier lifestyles.
There are some places that offer visitors truly special experiences starting from the Pré-Saint-Didier thermal spa, in the tourist area of Mont Blanc, to continue in the tourist area of the Central Valley and Mont-Avic where the historic Saint-Vincent thermal spa is devoted to relaxation and beauty or, in the tourist area of Monte Rosa, where the Monterosa Spa Centre in Champoluc offers unforgettable panoramic views of the Monte Rosa massif.

In addition to spas, the wellness centres offer pleasant moments of relaxation, usually in appealing environments where traditional building materials, such as stone and wood, accommodate and enhance sport and relaxation facilities.
There are other wellness centres usually belonging to hotels and though open to the public and others which are part of public fitness facilities, frequently swimming pools.