On the map above, the funnel-shaped symbol in the top right-hand corner allows you to choose which points of interest to view.
Click again on the funnel to close the legend and begin your exploration of the Gran Paradiso tourist area, defined by the coloured area.
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The Gran Paradiso, a mountain that surpasses 4,000 metres and the focal point of the Gran Paradiso national Park, gives its name to this tourist area which includes, in addition to the valleys of Cogne, Valsavarenche, Rhêmes and Valgrisenche, also the slopes that from Saint-Pierre, at the valley floor, climb up towards Saint-Nicolas to reach the 3,000 metres of Mount Fallère and the Vertosan valley, in the Avise municipality.

A dense network of paths winds through marvellous views and allows curious encounters with local fauna, easier in spring, when chamois and ibex descend into the valley in search of the first grass.

Here you will not only find splendid nature but also evidence of the past such as the Roman aqueduct bridge of Pont d'Ael (3 BC) and numerous castles including AymavillesIntrodSarriod de La Tour (Saint-Pierre), Saint-Pierre, Châtel-Argent (Villeneuve), La Mothe (Arvier), Montmayeur (at the beginning of Valgrisenche), Avise and Blonay, some can be visited internally, others only from the outside.