The mountain is often thought of as a mysterious and fascinating place where silence provides a holy dimension. In the Aosta Valley in particular, the nature-spirituality connection has ancient heritage. The Via Francigena crosses this region: many pilgrims of various languages, nationalities, wealth and traditions have passed through it ever since the early 11th Century.

Another type of journey featuring contemplation, meditation and prayer is the procession: focused on the "path" as well as on the "destination", it is more "unifying" and linked to the sense of return and to the territory in which the communities live. There are many long-standing processions in the Aosta Valley region, which still exist today, offering, above all in summer, interesting opportunities for dialogue between nature – an object of contemplation – and religiosity.

The itineraries listed are hikes in the mountain of various lengths (the same clothing and gear used for trekking is recommended).