Useful information regarding your holiday in Aosta Valley 

June 15th, 2022

Arrivals and departures

From 1st June 2022, Covid-19 Green Pass or other equivalent certification for entry to Italy is no longer required.
In Italy, some containment measures remain, such as the use of masks in certain circumstances. 

Updates on the rules for entering Italy from abroad are published on on the websites of the Ministry of Health anf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (you can also orient yourself with this informative questionnaire).

For travels outside Italy, the limitations are established by the individual countries and may vary according to the epidemiological situation. Before traveling, check the websites of the governments of the country/ries of your destination.

Safety measures

  • It is recommended to always use the mask indoors. It is always necessary to carry it with you and wear it outside in case of gatherings and crowds.
  • There is an obligation to wear FFP2-type masks on all means of public transport including closed ski lifts (until September 30th, 2022).
  • Children under 6 years of age, people with pathologies and disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, those who practice sports are excluded from the obligation to wear a mask.
  • It is recommended to wash hands frequently or to use a hand sanitizer.
  • It is forbidden to go out in case of flu symptoms or fever (above 37.5 ° C) or if you live with people who have symptoms attributable to Covid-19.

Openings and permitted activities

In the Aosta Valley region the shops are open, in compliance with the protocols and safety measures in force, and from May 1st, 2022 the Covid Green Pass is NOT required, nor is the “basic” one nor the “enhanced” one, for the following activities:

  • consumption of food and drinks in indoor and outdoor places
  • outdoor and indoor sports activities
  • accessing public offices and museums
  • staying in hotels and accommodation facilities
  • accessing local means of public transportation

Information is always available

In Aosta Valley health monitoring is continuous, there are constant, transparent updates on the evolution of the situation and the Regional Health Service is organized to manage any cases of contagion.

Swabs, serological tests and vaccinations: list of pharmacies

For medical information or to report symptoms of flu or respiratory problems, please call 112.

If you have any doubts about travelling to Italy, please contact the Border Police or the competent local health authorities.