The history of Graines castle is well documented, but its fairy-tale appearance and perched position have also given rise to imaginative legends.

The treasure - a treasure is buried underneath the castle of Graines; nobody has ever been able to find it, even if many have tried and amongst them a herdsman. In a dream a voice indicated to him the place where he would have to dig, warning him to leave before the rooster sang three times. The following night the man did as he was told. He discovered a trapdoor and entered. Blinded by the glittering gold and shimmering gems that filled the cave he started to admire the beautiful treasure, digging his hands greedily into it. The rooster sang: once, twice, three times. The trapdoor closed without making a sound: and the man remained trapped inside the enchanted cave. Nobody ever heard anything from him again.

The castellans - the castle of Graines dominates the valley of Évançon, spreading out towards wide pastures and woods, from the spur of a mountain. Tradition has it that the castle had despotic lords and ladies of the manor with delicate white faces. It is told that the inhabitants of the village were forced to cover the snowy mountain peaks with soil so that the reflection of the sun on the snow and glaciers of Becca Torché would not tan the white skin of the ladies of Graines.