"Lo Tsaven" - market of organic and biodynamic products


Portici di Piazza Chanoux
  • Sunday 02 December 2018
Opening time and fees

Since 2002, the “Coldiretti Valdostana”, farmers’ association, together with its affiliate “Tera Nouva” – the regional association of organic and biodynamic farfmers - has been organising a monthly market managed by the farmers themselves in the heart of the city of Aosta, under the portico of Piazza Emilio Chanoux.

The symbol of the market is “lo tsaven”, which in the local dialect, or “patois”, is the basket in which every local country family used to keep fruit, vegetables and other foodstuffs.

The market is generally held on the second Sunday of each month.
However, the calendar may be adjusted to avoid it coinciding with other events.

During December, the market is held three times, on the first three Sundays of the month.

The products on sale include traditional specialities from Valle d’Aosta - DOP/PDO, DOC/CDO products and of course organic fare. In order to offer a wider range, the market also hosts farmers from the nearby regions of Piemonte and Liguria.


Associazione Agrimercato Aosta
Loc Borgnalle 10/L
11100 AOSTA (AO)

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