1st May concert


Piazza Chanoux
  • Wednesday 01 May 2024
Opening time and fees Programme

The Liquor Merchants will perform with hits of the past and new compositions in the classic style that combines folk, rock and songwriting.

The concert will be preceded by a performance by the Jazz Sfom Orchestra and the music and dance group Sarayeye. With them there will be Luca Brandoli singing and percussion with big band, the harmonizations of the choristers and the traditional polyrhythms of the percussionists.

A show will bring on stage two dancers, eight choristers led by Paola Mei, six percussionists and the Jazz Sfom Orchestra directed by Manuel Pramotton.

In the afternoon, the historic center will be crossed by two street bands: The Fantomatik Orchestra and the Sfom Street Band

In case of bad weather, the street bands will perform under the porticoes of Piazza Chanoux, while the concert will be held in the renovated Giacosa Theatre, again with free admission while seats last.


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