How to get here

Verrès highway exit. Turn right, pass the town of Arnad and turn left after the overpass to the nearby Arcaden inn. Park. The wall is 50 meters in front of you.

Description of the route

The wall is clearly visible from the road and is made up of large dihedrals and aretes, some furrowed with cracks and special holes. The climb is more or less technical and there are many ideal routes for beginners or for climbers’ to familiarize with the rock. The anchors are well-set and all routes have been recently re-equipped with stainless steel material. Pay careful attention to cord length on longer routes since the cord could end before safely reaching the ground.
The activity requires technical experience. Alpine guide assistance is recommended.

Descent: Stops include chains and belays or Munter hitches. Climbers are either belayed down on a 60 m cord or abseil on longer routes.

Minimum, maximum and average route difficulty from 5b to 7b+, average 6a.

Total number of routes: 34.

Average length is 30 meters with a minimum of 18 and maximum of 110 meters.

Other rock walls in the area: Paretone - Arnad.