How to get here

Tollbooth of Pont St. Martin. You continue until you reach the statale or state road, passing a traffic light to your right, you reach a roundabout. Follow the directions for Gressoney. Once you’re at La Trinité, at the hotel Jolanda and skiing facilities, you leave your car in the huge parking area to your left.

Description of the route

From the parking areas, located on the opposite side of the Lys river with regards to the facilities of punta Jolanda, you continue to walk towards the glaciers along the right orographical bank for about 50 meters. Once you have reached the playground to your left you can see the structure located in the field: it is a school of strengthened rocks, with a fence and a wooden statue. You climb up along steps slanting to the right, you cross and re-climb one last step, shortly reaching a platform. From there you jump off with a cable way that takes you to the field below. (You can go on it more than once or test yourself in the 9 climbing routes for beginners on real rocks with a few artificial grips).

For more information:
Scuola di Alpinismo Monte Rosa
Società Guide Alpine di Gressoney (Mountain Guides Society of Gressoney)