Services: Morgex

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The Reading park of Morgex

Children playgrounds  -  Morgex

The Morgex Reading Park is a welcoming green area for visitors of all ages.

It is open all year round during the day with free access (possible closures in winter due to ice or snow).

  • A playground with two areas dedicated to events and small shows
  • A park for reading, on the comfortable benches along the river or in the middle of a flowery meadow, a book brought from home or found in the book-crossing areas of the Park and of the village of Morgex.
  • A park to observe: from here you can admire Mont Blanc and the imposing chain of mountains that surround it, but also the Dora Baltea, which runs alongside the park. The careful selection of botanical species and the suggestive flower garden ensure a pleasant immersion in the greenery.
  • A park for the memory: the paths of the Park follow the layout of the old tracks used for the goods yard and for the maneuvering of the wagons on the "Aosta - Pré-Saint-Didier" railway line, built in the late 1920s to favor the exploitation of the mines of Arpy and La Thuile. The historic Morgex station is still clearly visible from the park. The bridge, at the southern entrance to the Park and on which an original square on the water was built, once served as a link between the mining material processing factory (now the Mont Blanc mineral water plant) and the station itself. A new, fully accessible train welcomes visitors at the east entrance.
  • An accessible park: all the paths are suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. All game keywords are available in Braille.
  • (+39) 0165801711

Congress room "Municipal auditorium"

Conference rooms  -  Morgex

Auditorium with 254 places. The place can be used for shows, too. Control room with technology equipments for audio, video and lighting. There is the possibility of having the simultaneous translation.
No meeting room.

  • 0165801711

Morgex clinic and guidance council

Health  -  Morgex

Nursing service, taking of blood, tests, treatments, intramuscular injections, pressure measurement, aerosol therapy, obstetrician, medical offer, welfare officer, psychologists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, health officer, specialist’s examination, legal consulent, radiology service, SAUB office, night medical guard, 112, ambulance.

  • (+39) 0165.809300

Tourist Office

Other tourist offices  -  Morgex

The “Pro Loco di Morgex” tourist office is open to the public all year round.

From September 1st: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays
Wednesdays CLOSED
Saturdays 9.30am - 12.30pm / 3.30pm - 6.30pm

  • 0165809912