Services: Saint-Oyen

8 Results
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Tourist Office - Etroubles

Regional tourist offices  -  Étroubles

Opening days and hours

From 18th June to 15th September

  • 9.30-12.30/14.30-17.30
  • Closed on Wednesday
  • (+39) 3341076943

Local police

Emergencies / Safety  -  Saint-Oyen

Il messo comunale è a disposizione con i seguenti orari:
dal lunedì al venerdì 9.00-12.00 e 14.00-15.00

  • (+39) 0165.78522

town hall to Saint-Oyen

Local bodies  -  Saint-Oyen

Orario di apertura:
Lun - Mar - Gio - Ven 08.00 - 14.00
Mer 08.00 - 13.00

  • (+39) 0165.78522
  • -

apertura annuale

Children playgrounds  -  Saint-Oyen

The Prenoud sports center has a playground with the following equipment: turret with slide tilting swing swing climbing wall The playground is accessible with the opening hours of the bar - diner from May to September:
from 9.00 to 24.00, closed on Wednesdays with the exception of the months of June, July and August.

  • (+39) 0165.78176
  • 328.1506772

Post Office

Places  -  Saint-Oyen

Tuesday and Thursday: 8.20am-13.45pm

  • (+39) 016578220