The municipal building (maison communale) is the starting point of a brief tour that leads to the discovery of some very interesting points of the local architecture.Extremely well restored by the Engineer Jaccod, the “maison Gerbollier” today holds La Salle’s administrative offices.It is an age-old noble home of the Viard family, made up of different buildings surrounding an internal courtyard, where you can enter from the sourthern part, through a magnificent stone cut doorway.Some of the doors and windows inside the building have shapes that recall the splendors of this XVI century building, whilst the beams of the buildings show how this rural complex saw many strong transformations during 1713 and 1819. Following the road towards east you go up towards the village of Ecours.On the square, the chapel is embellished by frescoes representing the Visitation of the Virgin and a huge St. Cristophe (St. Christopher); placed on the side is a fountain and the chapel is located between a series of age-old rural homes, grouped one against each other with the dominating part of the medievel square tower, built by the De Curiis nobles who gave the name of the village.The tower is the heart of a great barn that still today works.In the valley on the mountainside of Ecours,a windmill once used the waters of the “ru” (irrigation canal) of Moyes, accessible through a shaded path that starts from Prarion, heading towards Moyes.