A small hotel in a panoramic and sunny location, just a short distance away from the Astronomical Observatory.



Prices are valid from 01/12/2023 to 30/11/2024

How to get here

By car

Nus motorway exit. Immediately after the toll booth, keep to the right for Nus, until you reach the stop sign on the strada statale (main road) 26. Turn left here and shortly afterwards, having gone past the turn off for the built-up area of Nus, turn right (signs for Saint-Barthelemy).
A few metres ahead the road intersects with the regional road, turn right, a little further ahead, with a hairpin bend to the left carry on towards Saint-Barthelemy, which you will reach after further numerous hairpin bends. Once you arrive in the village, the hotel is on the right.

By public transport

The most convenient train station is Aosta. .