In the sports area of Antey-Saint-André there is a multifunctional synthetic field, where you can play a game of five-a-side soccer in the fresh air, surrounded by nature. Besides being used as a 5-a-side soccer field, it can be transformed into a tennis or basketball court.

The facility is open during the summer months, ideal for a game with friends or for an amateur tournament.

The field is equipped with lighting so it is possible to play even in the evening or at night, after a day in the mountains, a day at work, or you can take advantage of the cooler hours on hot summer days.

Considering that the area is multifunctional, it is advisable to book in advance; the use of the field is subject to a fee and you must be the holder of a membership card, which costs 10 Euros and is valid for one year, and it can be used for all of the activities managed by Anteysportarea.

  • Field with evening lighting
  • Activities for a fee and by reservation
  • Membership card required
  • Other activities nearby