Route Plan Prorion - Gordzà on the ski slopes


  • Departure:
    Plan Prorion (Foyer ski de fond)
  • Arrival:
    Gordzà lake

Make sure that the entire stretch has been beaten. In case of recent snowfall, it is better to use snowshoes, particularly from the arrival of the cable car to Lake Gordzà.

How to get there

Foyer ski de fond, area pic-nic

Description of the route

Difficulty: T – Touristic
Best time: from 1/12 to 30/03
Difference in height: 200 m
Time one-way: 1 hour
Time return: 1 hour

This route crosses the ski slopes and allows you to reach several refreshment places located in the area. You can reach by car the village of Plan Prorion (1748 m), where the road is interrupted in winter and parking spaces are available. Leave the car, walk to the cross-country center restaurant bar and follow the signs for the pedestrian path, being careful not to step on the cross-country trails.

Initially, the route crosses the wood of the picnic area, then continues on a stretch of snow-covered road that climbs to Chantorné, the sunny Torgnon ski area. The path goes alongside the Winter Park snow playground. Continue till the cable car arrival station and then along the cross-country track (keep to the right and do not walk on the ski tracks).

After passing the stretch in the woods, leave the cross-country track and turn left to Gordzà, as from the Châtelard mountain pasture the track is reserved for cross-country skiers. From here, in about a quarter of an hour, you can reach Lake Gordzà (1949 m).


CERVINO SPA - Impianti Torgnon
Fraz. Molinet
11020 TORGNON (AO)

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley

Tourist offer
Tourist offer
Breuil Cervinia

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