You can access the church on foot, within the space of five minutes, from the road that unwinds from the bridge over the Dora Baltea.

The Romanesque style church, which is located at the foot of the medieval castle, was the seat of the parish until the end of the 18th century. The bell tower is a typical square shaped tower. During the digs carried out in the building, the remains of the ancient early-Christian church and the relative baptismal font were found.

The semi-circular shaped crypt, near the choir, dates back to the 11th century. Inside the church you can still admire important frescos from the 13th to the 16th century, as well as furnishings.

From summer 2024 it will be possible visit the church, booking with the app "Church open doors", independently 365 days a year, from 9 to 18. Once you have downloaded the app you must register. When on site at the selected time, just frame a QR code to open the church door and to start the “narrator voice”, combined with a lighting system of the artistic details. At the end of the visit, the door closes automatically.