Sport Itineraries: Antey-Saint-André

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Bourg - Brengon (La Magdeleine)

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

In Bourg, municipal capital of Antey-Saint-André, take route 107. After alternating sections on the path and on the paved road you come to the hamlet of Hérin. From here, continue on the left branch until you come to a crossroad just below the destination point. Go left again and you soon come to Messelod.

Bourg - Lod

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

Route 4 crosses the paved road several times on its way to La Magdeleine, connecting the municipal capital with the hamlets lying further up, known as the Trois Villes of Antey-Saint-André. Near Lod you will find the lake of the same name.

Grand Moulin - Mognod (Torgnon)

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

Take the sometimes very wide mule track 6 in Grand Moulin, in the municipality of Antey-Saint-André, used by townspeople when there was no paved road connecting Antey to Torgnon. As you go up, crossing and using several sections of the paved road, you come to the hamlets of Navillod, Gombaz and Nozon. From here, the itinerary also includes sections of private roads and takes you to Mazod, Valleil and Champeille, from where you soon reach Mognod.

Hérin - Lod lake

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

By car, about 500 meters after the church of Antey-Saint-André you will turn on the left at the crossroad to the village of Hérin and then after 2 km you will leave your car at the small parking. Hérin is a village that maintained its features, recently the old houses have been restored keeping the original features of the mountain village, with stone and wood as main elements.
When you will reach the small chapel dedicated to Saint Barbara, you will go down to the right to the village and near the first houses you will take to path n° 105. First you will cross the meadows and then in the steapest part you will go through the wood and arrive in a farm road in front of the small lake. You will find a small playground area with benches.

Nuarsaz- Corgnolaz

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

When you get to Nuarsaz, a hamlet within the municipality of Antey-Saint-André, along the paved road that leaves the regional road for Valtournenche after the village of Buisson (near the cableway car park for Chamois), take trail 2, which initially goes up on the orographic left bank of the Chamois stream and then leads rightwards along the steep path to Ville. From here, take the dirt road on which it is an easy climb to Corgnolaz, seat of the municipality of Chamois.

Very picturesque itinerary.

Ring path sport area - Fiernaz

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

From the sport area parking, situated on the left side of the stream, take the path and leave on your right the small wood bridge taking to the sport area.
The flat path runs alongside the Marmore stream, you will find the village of Poutaz, and after about 1 km you will reach the village of Fiernaz, here you will leave the path and take the paved road inside the hamlet where you can have a small stop at the playground area.
After the village you will go further on the right, cross the bridge after the stream, and follow the path through the mixed wood (with the stroller, at a certain point, we suggest you to continue on the agricultural road until the village of Lillaz and then return on the described route) until the quiet village of Lilla. You will then go further until the gym tools in the equipped path, the adventure park, the foot field and finally cross the wood bridge to reach the departure point.
Along the path you will find benches, and returning to the sport area it is possible to have a pic nic at the green space.

Ru de Lies

One-day excursions  -  Antey-Saint-André

The nature path Ru de Lies starts at the end of the bridge (crossroad to La Magdeleine) in the village of Champagne.
It is a flat walk, along the path you will find panels with information about history, geography, geomorphology, flora and fauna of Antey-Saint-André, and also information about climatology, environmental laws and typical products of the region. Typical mountain plain woodland which thins out at intervals along the path, leaving space for clearings cultivated with permanent meadow. Species in the hardwood coppice are Ash, Alder, Maple, Lime, Birch, goat Willow, with occasional Larch and Scottish pine.
Along the path you will find benches, and after crossing an asphalt road a small pic nic area with tables and 2 barbecues. If you will go further on you will reach the quiet village of Lies.

Cyclotour: Chambave – Col San Pantaleone – Chambave

Cycling  -  Chambave

Chambave is a place famous for its wines. From here you take the road for Saint-Denis, where the Castle of Cly (11th century) is located and where mediaeval pageants are held in the summer. You continue uphill along the road which crosses the Col de Saint-Pantaléon, leading to Torgnon.
Torgnon is an ancient village with numerous scattered hamlets that still retain the features of Alpine architecture. The village lies in a sunny position with splendid views of the Matterhorn. From here you go downhill towards Antey-Saint-André from where you can reach La Magdeleine or continue on as far as Breuil Cervinia. The descent, on the other hand, continues down as far as Châtillon, a village, which extends over a vast hollow on the slopes of the Valtournenche.

Places you go through on the route:
- Chambave (520 m )
- Saint-Denis 4 km (830 m)
- Petit Brusson 8.3 km (1140 m)
- Col San Pantaleone 16.4 km (1,650 m)
- Torgnon 19.7 km (1530 m)
- Antey-Saint-André 26.1 km (1,045 m)
- Covalu Hydro-electric power station 30.2 km (780 m )
- Chatillon 33.6 km (530 m)
- Pontey junction 35.7 km (460 m)
- Chambave 38.6 km (520 m)