Sport Itineraries: Saint-Pierre

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Gerbore - Letanettaz Dessous - Vétan Dessus

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

After leaving the car in the small parking lot in Gerbore hamlet go down the street until the hairpin bend where you’ll find the signpost for the itinerary n.17. After reaching the small (private) playground, go up on the right following the fence, reach a big Scots pine and on your left get deeply in the wood. After reaching the first fork follow the path n.17A that reaches Letanettaz Dessous mountain pasture, through an oak and Scots pine forest.
From here continue on the right along the gravel road that between meadows and pastures easily reaches Chatalanaz hamlet. Finally take the path on the left that ends in Vétan Dessus.
To go back to Gerbore hamlet take the municipal road.

Ring from Saint-Pierre to Sarre among castles, vineyards, and apple orchards

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

The itinerary starts from and arrives at the castle of Saint-Pierre, restored to its new splendor by recent renovation.
The route involves the hilly area of Saint-Pierre, in the direction of the Tache hamlet, and initially, it winds along an asphalted road with views of the mountains and the castle of Saint-Pierre.
After passing the hamlet of Tache, you continue on towards Bussan Dessus and, upon reaching the crossroads for
Along this road, looking towards the valley, you can see the priorate of Saint-Pierre, the profile of the Grivola and the entrance to the valleys of the Gran Paradiso national park, while looking uphill you can observe the xeric environments of Mont Torretta-Bellon, a Site of Community Importance (SCI), and the terraces, with the picturesque dry stone walls, which characterize the Torrette wine vineyards.
The area is very hot and it is advisable to walk it in spring or autumn. The short-toed snake eagle knows this very well; this is an eagle that migrates from Africa every year to nest in these places, exploiting these arid areas to hunt reptiles.
After about 2.5 km you come to the end of the farm road, in the hamlet of Pertusat, in the municipality of Sarre. From there, you head south along a narrow asphalted road, walking among the houses of the place, to reach the royal castle of Sarre, which is well worth a visit. Formerly the residence of the king of Italy during his hunting stays in Valle d’Aosta, it preserves hunting trophies and memories of the royal house of Savoy.
You walk along the side of the castle heading towards the Aosta plain, enjoying a wide panoramic view, and you proceed southwards along a dirt road that leads to a tree-lined path.

The path joins state road no. 26 where, near a roundabout, you take the exit that goes towards Aymavilles. You continue along regional road no. 47 towards Aymavilles for about 400 meters, then take the asphalted road that goes towards the farmstead located to the right of the motorway junction, in the center of a meadow with cultivated plots of land.
After the farmstead, you continue for another 200 meters and use the motorway underpass to move over to the left bank of the Dora Baltea river, under the gaze of the Aymavilles castle.

You continue along this little road and, once you have also gone through the second motorway underpass, a tree-lined cycle path begins which goes along the Dora Baltea. Here, on the right, it is possible to admire the apple orchards that distinguish this part of the itinerary. The apple is the “prince” of fruits in this region, where the annual production exceeds 35 thousand quintals. There are four typical varieties of the Valle d’Aosta apple, two of which are recognized as traditional: the Renetta and the Golden Delicious of Valle d’Aosta.

You continue on along the cycle path among meadows alternating with apple, grape and other fruit orchards, until you reach an iron bar that delimits the access to the cycle path. From there, you take the road that heads north-west towards the mountain and, after about 150 meters, you take the uphill path that leads to the Sarriod de la Tour castle (the castle will reopen on 5th of August).
When you reach the castle, going back a few steps, you take the path that leads back to the hamlet of Saint-Pierre through some orchards.

In the residential area, you go along via della Tour for about 200 meters and then take via della Libertà. After crossing the underpass of state road 26 and, after going about 150 meters east, and going by a restaurant, you turn left and take the stone pedestrian street, called “the ramp”, which reaches the church of Saint-Pierre and leads back to the castle.

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Vétan Dessous - Verrogne

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

After leaving theg car in the car park at the top of Vétan Dessous hamlet, go down for about 100 metres on the municipal road to a hairpin bend.
From here, continue on the road to the left and just afterwards take path n. 12D (or Cammineo Balteo) on the right that, along gravel roads, paths and meadows reaches Verrogne village.
You can come back on the municipal road passing through Meod hamlet.

Vétan-Dessus - Alpe Grandes Arpilles

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

The itinerary follows entirely the gravel road that starts on the left just before Vétan-Dessus hamlet (the first 200 m are on paved road).
You can leave the car in the small parking lot, 50 metres before the fork.
The walk reaches Chatalanaz mountain pastures, goes up north and turns left after the first fork. From here go up along several hairpin bends until Alpe Grandes Arpilles mountain pastures.
To shorten the itinerary, you can start from the big shaded dirt parking lot at the top of Vétan-Dessus hamlet taking the path n.13 near the hotel. This route crosses the wood, goes on the right towards Mont Fallère mountain hut and then reaches the gravel road.
The itinerary is used also by bikers that want to reach Mont Fallère mountain hut with some variations that make the itinerary less steep but a litte bit longer.

Vétan Dessus - Alpe Loé

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

After leaving the car in the big shaded parking lot take path n.13, near the hotel.
Following the signs for the mountaint hut, cross the wood, turn right, on an easy and then on a slighty steeper route, crossing meadows and pastures, until below Alpe Thoules mountain pastures.
From here continue on the the flat grassy gravel road that crosses horizontally Méod stream valley until the entrance of Loé valley. While the path for the mountain hut goes up steeply, the path for Alpe Loé mountain pastures continues on the right.
Crossing the stream just below the Alp can be difficult in spring time.

Vétan-Dessus - Mont Fallère mountain hut - Lac des Grenouilles

One-day excursions  -  Saint-Pierre

Take path no. 13 in front of the hotel in Vétan-Dessus and climb a short slope that, after a short time, leads to some meadows. Turn right along the course of an old irrigation canal until you reach a crossroads under the Thoules pasture. From here, continue to the right on a gravel road which is now completely covered in grass and cuts horizontally into the valley of the Méod stream. At the next crossroads, leave the path to Alpe Loé on the right and turn left following the signs for the refuge. The path begins to climb steeply in the larch forest along the ridge on the East side of the valley until it reaches the unpaved road that leads to the refuge. To the right of the refuge starts path 13B which in about 15 minutes reaches the Frogs lake.
The whole path is an open-air museum because along the route we can find numerous wooden sculptures made by Siro Viérin, one of the most popular sculptors in the Aosta Valley.

MOTOTOUR - Saint-Pierre – Rhêmes Valley

Motorcycling  -  Saint-Pierre

The apple, the authentic flavor of the Aosta Valley
You inhale an intense and intoxicating perfume, in these parts. It’s the scent of the apple, true queen of the central valley. Across the region 4,400 tons are produced every year, but the highest concentration of orchards is right here, between Saint-Pierre and Villeneuve, in the basin that spans to reach the Val di Rhêmes. So don’t pass through in a hurry… Stop at “Cofruits” co-operative outlet. It’s the right place if you want to go home with a sweet memory in your hard luggage: From dried apples, a charge of energy and flavor, to the Martin Sec, the trademark pears that become truly superb when candied or cooked in wine.

Upon arriving up here is a magnificent sight. You find yourself in a broad green basin, in a beautiful and evocative village. All around you, other than houses and the ancient church, only pastures and coniferous forests. It’s the ideal destination if you dream of a different kind of day, far from the busiest locations and streets. A plate of steaming polenta, a nice rest on the grass… A corner of paradise that remains in the hearts of those who love nature and real mountains.

MOTOTOUR - Saint-Pierre – Valgrisenche

Motorcycling  -  Saint-Pierre

Tra vigneti e meleti percorrete un tratto della valle centrale e poi imboccate una delle valli più suggestive e selvagge della Valle d'Aosta: la Valgrisenche. Lungo il percorso borghi e castelli medievali invitano alla sosta.

Lo scenario è reso fiabesco dal castello che dall’alto della sua rocca domina il paesaggio e risulta ben visibile anche di notte grazie ad un suggestivo sistema di illuminazione. Al suo interno, il museo regionale di scienze naturali per un viaggio alla scoperta di ambienti naturali, flora e fauna della Valle d’Aosta. Ma a Saint-Pierre c' è anche un secondo castello: Sarriod de la Tour, immerso in un meleto, conserva nella meravigliosa “sala delle teste” un prezioso soffitto ligneo della fine del 1400, decorato con figure antropomorfe, mostri, insetti ed animali.

In una conca coltivata a vigneti, Arvier testimonia la caparbietà nell’utilizzare tutta la terra disponibile innalzando nei secoli i terrazzamenti posti sul versante più assolato. Proprio qui si produce il famoso vino rosso Enfer d’Arvier, uno dei primi vini valdostani ad ottenere la denominazione D.O.C..
Attraverserete il borgo medievale di Leverogne e poi, imboccando la strada per la Valgrisenche, potrete vedere il santuario di Rochefort e più avanti sulla sinistra i ruderi del castello di Montmayeur.

Occhi aperti per non farvi sfuggire nulla, in un viaggio affascinante attraverso la storia, la tradizione e un ambiente suggestivo. La strada sale lungo lo stretto fondovalle, fino a Planaval. Poi la prima piacevole sorpresa: la vallata si apre all’improvviso, dominata sullo sfondo dalla vetta della Grande Sassière e, a destra, dalla Testa del Rutor. Di qui in avanti il percorso risale dolcemente il vasto pianoro fino al capoluogo, Valgrisenche, caratteristico borgo di origini medievali, con il suo campanile romanico. Poco oltre il paese, il lago di Beauregard, annunciato dall'imponente diga. Il luogo ideale per rilassarvi, tra il verde intenso dei boschi di conifere e l’argento della cresta che segna lo spartiacque con la Val d’lsère.
Le nevicate, un tempo, isolavano la valle e le possibilità economiche non erano granché. E così bisognava ingegnarsi, produrre tessuti caldi, pratici e, soprattutto, resistenti. Ecco i famosi Draps della Valgrisenche, realizzati in lana di pecora sugli antichi telai, i métiers. In origine, per renderli impermeabili, venivano fatti infeltrire immergendoli ripetutamente in acqua fredda e battendoli con spazzole di legno. I tempi sono cambiati, ma la tradizione dei Draps, in questa valle, è rimasta. Coperte, tovaglie, indumenti, scialli, rivestimenti per divani e poltrone… ancora oggi vengono realizzati su telai costruiti sull’antico modello. Tessuti esclusivi, che potete ammirare nella mostra permanente nel capoluogo di Valgrisenche.

MOTOTOUR - Saint-Pierre – Valsavarenche

Motorcycling  -  Saint-Pierre

Introd derives its name from “entre les eaux” [“between the waters”]. The town, in fact, is located in an excellent position on a plateau that overlooks on one side the Dora di Rhêmes river, and on the other, the Savara and Dora di Valsavarenche rivers. Here you can visit the local history museum Maison Bruil and the castle that probably dates back to the 12th century or admire a beautiful example of typical rural construction, the ancient Ola farmstead.
From Introd the road goes up through Valsavarenche ending at the basin of the imposing Gran Paradiso group of mountains, which boasts the unique all-Italian “Alpine Four-thousanders”. Another valley particularly dear to King Vittorio Emanuele Il, among the preferred destinations for his memorable hunting expeditions.

Gran Paradiso National Park
In 1919 the Savoy granted their ancient hunting reserve to the State, in between Piedmont and Aosta Valley, which three years later became the first Italian national park. Here the ibex, the chamois, the Golden Eagle, and the marmot reign… Just a bit of patience and attention in observing the hillsides and coniferous forests, and it will not be difficult to identify any of the intriguing “inhabitants” of the Park.

Excursion to the Lago delle Rane (Frog Lake)

Mountain Bike  -  Saint-Pierre

Technical difficulty: varies from easy to difficult
Physical difficulty: medium/difficult
Bike-friendly: 100%
Type of Route: dirt road, path

On leaving the Aosta Ovest (Aosta west) motorway exit, follow the directions to Saint-Pierre and then to Vetan.

From the square to the Notre Maison hotel (1760 metres above sea level) you descend along the asphalt road for around 200 metres and then turn right onto the dirt path in Vetan Villette. Take the uphill dirt path that crosses wide fields before arriving at the Châtelanaz Alpine Pasture (1857 metres above sea level) and continue to the right always rising in the direction of the Or alpine pasture. On arrival at the Or alpine pasture (2120 metres above sea level) turn to the right and follow path no. 13. After having followed this route for a while, you arrive at the Mont Fallère mountain hut (2350 metres above sea level).

Then you come to the Frog Lake that can be found about 100 metres from the hut, taking care when crossing the often boggy meadows. Less expert cyclist-excursionists are advised to return via the route used for the ascent, while those with more expertise who want to get stuck into a spectacular and technical descent on the path should find route no.11 that begins on the right of the lake and leads to Tsa de la Comba alpine pasture (2250 metres above sea level), before continuing to the right on path no.10 that after having crossed a flat meadow, continues downwards on the south side of the Becca France. You continue descending, ignoring the detours on the left until you come to a farm track. From here, continue to the left (path 11B) on the farm track until you arrive at the Loé alpine pasture (1987 metres above sea level), turning left on the descent. After crossing the stream, follow path no. 12 that crosses the entire Vetan basin. On arriving at the Châtelanaz alpine pasture (1857 metres above sea level) continue to the left downhill until you reach the start point.

Becca France

Snowshoe  -  Saint-Pierre

You climb the track that immediately veers to the right, taking you across the vast pastures below Thoules. Cross the vast snowy area following the signposts of the track with your snow shoes. You aim towards the Alpine pasture which you reach quite quickly. From Thoules you turn to the right following a snowy path which enters the valley of Méod, following the bend around the water catchment area. A few stretches are made a little more difficult due the incline caused by the snow deposits. You soon reach the wide valley which precedes the Alpine pasture of Loé: you walk across it staying at the same level until you reach a footbridge which allows you to cross the Verrogne torrent. When you reach the left bank that faces downhill, you perform a few turns and then come to the long Alpine pasture of Loé.
Following the directions on a signpost, you climb the ridge above the Alpine pasture, bearing to the right until you reach a small panoramic clearing. The vegetation is quite sparse and allows you to choose which direction is the best to take. You now climb up the steep slope (without following a set course), which leads to the top of the wide ridge leading to the summit: this stretch is very arduous and must be tackled when the snow conditions are ideal. When you reach the ridge, you can glimpse the peak: you now proceed to the right, going downhill for about 100 metres as far as the foot of the collar that precedes the peak. From here you climb up the last part, going left round a large gendarme, and then climbing up along the wide ridge as far as the peak of the Becca France.

This is quite a difficult route technically, in the sense that you cross certain stretches that require a lot of experience on the various surfaces to be tackled: this route, therefore, is recommended for expert walkers.

Punta Leysser

Snowshoe  -  Saint-Pierre

From Vétan, climb the beaten slope to the isolated Chatelanaz house. Continue climbing the slope with alternating steep and gentle sections, following the route beaten by the snow mobiles. After a couple of turns you’ll gain altitude nearing some watersheds well-loved by snowboarders. Continue leaving the Grandes Arpilles houses on your right and climb the unmarked slope where the vegetation slowly disappears. The climb becomes steeper until it reaches the ridge at the forepeak. Descend the ridge until it starts to climb towards the peak where you’ll find a wooden cross.

Punta Leysser

Ski mountaineering  -  Saint-Pierre

Leave your car at the end of the road and climb on the plateaus above the town. Continue along the gentle slopes towards the top. Keeping to the left, you’ll reach a clear rise. Follow it and cross a steeper segment on the right to the gap on the left of the peak. Follow the ridge on skis to the summit.
Descent down the upward itinerary.

Tour of the wineries: discovering the Aosta Valley’s wines

Mountain Bike  -  Villeneuve

Technical difficulty: easy
Physical difficulty: medium
Bike-friendly: 100%
Type of Route: asphalt and dirt roads

From Aosta, follow the Courmayeur State Road no. 26 until you pass the village of Villeneuve and come to a large parking on the right, starting point of this bike itinerary.

From the square in Trepont hamlet in Villeneuve you take the State Road no.26, following directions to the Villeneuve sports centre.
Taking the wooden walkway that crosses over the Dora Baltea river, continue towards the centre of the village. On leaving the village, proceed towards Aymavilles where you go uphill to the site of the “Cave des Onze Communes” cooperative winery.

The itinerary then goes on along the direct paths that crosses the vineyards of Les Crêtes, featuring splendid panoramic views (Aosta plain and castles).
Descending at Ayamavilles, close to the motorway junction, cross the bridge over the Dora Baltea and continue by following the river.
You will reach the Gressan sports centre by passing through the village of Jovençan. The recently built pedestrian walkway allows you to cross the Dora river again, entering in the periphery of Aosta and directing towards the “Regional Farming Institute”.

From here, set off again in a westerly direction (Courmayeur), reaching the panoramic road over the hills until you reach the municipality of Sarre.
After crossing the railway, you will arrive close to the motorway junction again, where a fun dirt path along the banks of the Dora begins. Continue along this until you reach Saint-Pierre, where the picturesque castle of “Sarriod de la Tour” can be sighted. You can reach the castle via a short but difficult dirt road.

After crossing State Road no.26, the route continues towards the hamlets on the hill until arriving at a bridge that leads to Villeneuve. On reaching the river park, go back along the first stretch of the journey until you come to the site of departure.

The wineries (on the map select “shop” to locate them) can only be visited by reservation.