Sport Itineraries: Valsavarenche

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Colle del Grand Etret

Ski mountaineering  -  Valsavarenche

From the parking lot, follow the level central valley heading South. After the first flat part (careful of any avalanches from the steep side peaks), the route starts to climb to the Grand Etret glacier. The second part is steeper to the hill.
From the hill you can also quickly cross the ridge to Testa del Grand Etret.
Descent down the upward itinerary.

Gran Paradiso

Ski mountaineering  -  Valsavarenche

Day one:
Park your car in the town of Terrè, at the sign and lot for the Chabod hut. Cross the bridge following the summer path and climb the steep woods. At the Lavassey alp, continue climbing to your right following the summer path. The woods thin out and, leaving the Costa di Savolere on your right, keep to your left to the Chabod hut standing at the end of the moraine.
Day two:
From the hut, descend to the valley below and then climb to the moraine just above. Follow it to the right to the glacier. Cross the glacier following the glacier hollows to avoid the crevasses. At the pasture above, at about 3,250 m, move to the right of the glacier and follow the clear valley that leads to Becca di Moncorvé. Turn left crossing under the rocky ridge and head for the hill. Take off your skis and follow the ridge to reach the top. The last 10 metres of the ridge are highly exposed.
Descent down the upward itinerary.

This itinerary requires experience of high mountains and it is recommended that you get a mountain guide to accompany you.