Challant House
Built towards the end of the fifteenth century, it is located in the Medieval village of Bard. The house was home to Count Filiberto di Challand, lord of Bard between 1487 and 1517. It features lancet windows and other pointed windows.

Nicole House
Partially built over the western gate to the Bard village, the building facade preserves signs of bullets shot during the assault on the Bard fortress by Napoleon’s army in May 1800. The building creates a tower whose top is adorned by the chapel’s quatrefoil window. The chapel was frescoed by painter Giovanni Antonio di Biella.

Valperga House
Dating back to the sixteenth century, this house has interesting pointed windows and the remains of pictorial decorations. A twin lancet window and the remains of frescoes that depict ancient coats of arms, including that of the Valperga family, are found at the centre.