Description of the route

Altitude: 2,860 m
Location: Invergnan
Sleeping places: 10
Open: always open
Difficulty: E
Trail sign: 10
Ascent: 3h30 from Usellières
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: EAST 349688
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: NORTH 5048060

The bivouac, built in 1981 and inaugurated on 5th September 1982, is dedicated to Luigi Ravelli (1879-1963), presbyter, mountaineer and historian from Turin. Ravelli was the parish priest of Foresto (Borgosesia) and founder of the section of Novara of the ‘Giovane Montagna’ association.

Leave the car in Usellière, take the dirt road leading to Bezzi mountain hut for a few hundred metres, then at the junction turn left to Chalet de l’Épée. Continue on the dirt road as far as Alpe Arolla, here take path n. 9A/10 that goes off to the right crossing the monumental larches wood and heading up the steep valley it leads directly to the mountain pasture Mont Forcià.
Cross the torrent and continue along path n. 10 that heads up to the orographic right of the torrent through the pastures along the Invergnan valley. Continue up this itinerary ignoring the bifurcations to Chalet de l’Épée and to Bezzi mountain huts. The path climbs on the left a steep slope to reach a panoramic point. Continue on the right and go up the ridge of a glacial moraine. At the end of it walk on some rocks to reach the bivouac. From the bivouac you enjoy a very nice view on Mont Forciaz , on Grande Rousse and on the left on the Invergnan glacier.

Equipment: blankets, mattresses, pillows, pots.