Description of the route

How to get there:
Pont-Saint-Martin highway exit. Turn left to Aosta. Cross the towns of Donnas and Bard to a round about. Here turn left for the Champorcher valley. 7.5 km after the town of Hône, turn right for Courtil.

Wall ascent: On foot from Courtil, follow the paved road to Plan de Flo.

The walls are clearly visible from the road once in the hamlet of Courtil. The rock is always excellent and the climbing style is adherence, with excellent shoe grips. Stainless steel fix bolting is very good and stops are maximum every 30 meters with quickdraw chains. On sunny day, you can see the Monte Rosa glaciers from the top of the routes. The purpose of these routes is to introduce climbers to long routes without particular risks. However, leading should not be underestimated.
The activity requires technical experience. Alpine guide assistance is recommended.

Descent: Stops have quickdraw chains. Climbers usually walk down the left side of the wall on a side path or abseil down if they don’t make the top. Abseiling is not recommended since difficult and could hinder other climbers on their way up.

Minimum, maximum and average route difficulty from 3b to 6b, average 5c.

Total number of routes: 21 long routes + 15 topropes in the bimboclimb sector.

Average length is 140 meters with a minimum of 12 and maximum of 150 meters.