How to get here

Aosta Est highway exit. Take the road for Gran San Bernardo. In Variney, turn right for Valpelline, cross the town of Bionaz and continue on for about 4 km towards the Place Moulin dam. Park in the small lot where a yellow sign indicates the Chamen valley.

Description of the route

From Chamen, 1,710 m, follow the farm road whose numerous hairpin turns leads to the Gran Chamen plateaus. Keeping to the centre of the valley, climb to the La Grotta pastures, 2,211 m, and continue to about altitude 2,300 m where you can turn into the valley on the left. Climb up the clear canyon that leads upwards and follow the unmarked path through the valley to the Tza hill. Leave your skis and follow the edge of the ridge South-East to the summit.