Sport Itineraries: Arnad

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La Gruviera climbing wall

Climbing walls  -  Arnad

The wall is clearly visible from the road and is made up of large dihedrals and aretes, some furrowed with cracks and special holes. The climb is more or less technical and there are many ideal routes for beginners or for climbers’ to familiarize with the rock. The anchors are well-set and all routes have been recently re-equipped with stainless steel material. Pay careful attention to cord length on longer routes since the cord could end before safely reaching the ground.
The activity requires technical experience. Alpine guide assistance is recommended.

Descent: Stops include chains and belays or Munter hitches. Climbers are either belayed down on a 60 m cord or abseil on longer routes.

Minimum, maximum and average route difficulty from 5b to 7b+, average 6a.

Total number of routes: 34.

Average length is 30 meters with a minimum of 18 and maximum of 110 meters.

Other rock walls in the area: Paretone - Arnad.

Paretone rock climbing wall

Climbing walls  -  Arnad

The wall is clearly visible from the road. The wall is shaped like a rock cupcake made up of ledges on compact rock with typical cracks and grips. The climb is purely face climbing on long routes that require a half a day or more.
The activity requires technical experience. Alpine guide assistance is recommended.

Descent: Stops have chains and belays. Climbers mainly walk down the eastern side of the wall or take the path on the north side. You can leave a second car in the Machaby parking lot or abseil down if you don’t make it to the top. This is not recommended since it is more difficult and may hinder other climbers on their way up.

Minimum, maximum and average route difficulty from 5c to 7a, average 6a.

Total number of routes: 41 + 6 in the case Fara sector.

Average length is 200 meters with a minimum of 35 and maximum of 280 meters.

Other rock walls in the area: Gruviera - Arnad.

Arnad - Machaby Sanctuary

One-day excursions  -  Arnad

Leave the car in the conveniently located square in Moulin de Va at the end of the paved road from Arnad, which runs along the Va stream, then, on foot, take the paved road that goes up to the age-old chestnut grove, and leads to Machaby Sanctuary and the plateau with the village of the same name.

Arnad - Tête La Cou

One-day excursions  -  Arnad

Leave the car in the conveniently located square in Moulin de Va at the end of the paved road from Arnad, which runs along the Va stream, then, on foot, take the paved road that goes up to the age-old chestnut grove, and after fifteen minutes or so, leads to Machaby Sanctuary and the plateau with the village of the same name. The road goes up again, and after reaching and going past Arbenaz, it meets the wide La Cou saddle. From here, turn left along the crest to reach the panoramic Tête de Cou.

The route of the Arnad castles

One-day excursions  -  Arnad

The first caste on the route is the Vallaise Castle, in a panoramic position, surrounded by vineyards (not yet open to the public). Inside the castle there are many frescoes representing mythological and biblical scenes, imaginary landscapes and allegories and, in the main hall, ten views of places belonging to the possessions of the Vallaise family.
Going on, we find the remains of the Lower Castle de la Côte, another house of the Vallaise family dated XV century. The last one, the Upper Castle, stands on a rocky outcrop overlooking the town and is now reduced to the state of ruin although the visit is now possible with the help of an easy scaffolding.

MOTOTOUR - Pont-Saint-Martin - Col di Joux - Verrès

Motorcycling  -  Pont-Saint-Martin

A recommendation for the connoisseur: past the Bard Fort and then make a stop at Arnad and request some of the famous lard. Spicy and flavored with mountain herbs, the “Lard d’Arnad” adds to any dish an authentic taste, the taste of the Aosta Valley. In 1996 it received the Protected Designation of Origin. Every year, on the last Sunday in August, the traditional “Féhta dou Lard” - Lard Festival - unfolds, which attracts thousands of tourists.

The climb from Verrès, along the lower part of the Val d'Ayas, takes you to Challand-Saint-Victor where you can make a detour to Lake Villa, a nature reserve. Continuing further, you will pass Challand-Saint-Ansèlme, you will see the Graines castle, built in the 11th century on a rocky spur, and you will reach Brusson, at 1338 meters above sea level, where you can visit the Chamousira gold mines and the dairy  La Fromagerie Haut Val d'Ayas.
From Brusson starts the road that leads to Col di Joux, which connects the Val d'Ayas with Saint-Vincent.

A charming scenic road descends from the 5,380 feet of Col di Joux to Saint-Vincent, exclusive town overlooking the central valley, known as the “Riviera of the Alps” for its special climatic conditions. The ideal location to spend a few days of vacation in absolute relaxation, but also just for a pleasant break before you get on the road to the bottom of the valley: It’s the right time for a pizza, an ice-cream, a stroll through the elegant streets of the center and – why not?- a short trip to the slot-machines at the famous Casino de La Vallée.



MOTOTOUR - Pont-Saint-Martin - Verrès - Issogne (Round Trip)

Motorcycling  -  Pont-Saint-Martin


Riding the motorbike, start from Pont-Saint-Martin: the terraced vineyards accompany you up to Donnas.
You will then see the proud silhouette of the Bard fort stand out, an ancientbulwark of defense strategically located in the narrowest point of the central valley. Over the centuries it suffered numerous assaults, up until the decisive one by Napoleon's army, which besieged and destroyed it in 1800. It was rebuilt by the Savoys in 1827. The museums and important temporary exhibitions of the Fort are worth a stop.

Continuing on, after about ten kilometers (6 miles) you come across another imposing structure: the fifteenth-century Challand castle in Verrès open to visits.

And then, on the way back, don't miss the castle of Issogne, a magnificent  Renaissance manor.

A tasty stop is also possible in Arnad, home to the production of Lardo di Arnad P.O.D.  and in the wineries of Arnad and Donnas.