As for all the mountain activities, you must not overestimate yourself venturing into difficult and arduous paths: inquire about the route to follow and the conditions of the snow and always check the weather forecast. Every winter the snow conditions may be different so the recommended periods for each excursion are approximate.

See also the guided snowshoe walks

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48 Results
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With snowshoes from Champoluc to Mascognaz

Snowshoe  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

The excursion starts from the Amponey locality, just before the village of Champoluc, near a large meadow which in winter is a cross-country skiing track. The trail number of the path is 14B, which gradually climbs into the woods for about 150 meters until it crosses path no. 14, which comes from Champoluc and which with a steeper slope leads, for the last 100 metres of altitude gap, to Mascognaz, an enchanting totally renovated village with typical Walser architecture buildings.

Col du Lac Blanc

Snowshoe  -  Champorcher

Proceed along the snow-covered road to the start of the path for the Barbustel Refuge: turn right and start the steep climb at the beginning of the path, bordered by wooden hand rails. You will quickly gain altitude reaching the fork for Arcomy in just a few minutes. Cross the larch woods to the small valley you can cross with a series of turns. When climbing, leave a solitary pasture to your right and continue along a wide channel that quickly leads to the Grand building. You’ll soon see the signpost for the Terra Rossa hill. Continue on the left of the peak that slightly flattens and turn right under the rock ledge.
Cross a narrow part of the path to the gentle slope that leads to the Lake Muffé plain. Pass the building near the lake and start climbing towards Col du Lac Blanc. Continue through the sparse larch trees on the easy upward climb to the hill.

In snowshoes up to Dondena Refuge

Snowshoe  -  Champorcher

From the parking lot, continue along the road for a couple hundred meters to the curve on the right: from here, the road is usually snow-covered and you can start the excursion.
Cross the first segment heading towards the valley floor and then turn 180° to the left entering the Ayasse valley. The route follows the farm road that leads to Dondena in the summer. After walking for several minutes you’ll reach the starting point for the Barbustel Refuge path: ignore the fork on the right for the refuge and continue along the slope under the spurs of Mont Ros and Bec Barmasse. After crossing a few avalanche channels, pay careful attention in unstable snow conditions, continue the slight ascent West until you reach the fork for Lake Raty. Continue along the main slope that soon veers to the right providing a beautiful view of the impressive Bec Raty rock face. The valley slowly opens to view: on the left, the snow-covered Cimetta Rossa cupcake appears and, just under our path, the village of Champlong. After the Tuerie pasture the slope extends, slightly ascending, to the start of the summer path for Lake Miserin: here you’ll find a series of signposts indicating various paths that you can take and a great map of the area. Both Dondena and the refuge located slightly above are well visible from here.
Drop a couple of meters until you pass the Ayasse stream and then ascend, crossing the Alpine hotel ruins to the Dondena Refuge (2193 m).

At the gate of the Park: Valnontey

Snowshoe  -  Cogne

The stretch starts out at Son-le-Prò, goes on the left of the municipal road leading to Valnontey. After ups and downs in the wood, it crosses some wooden bridge, runs along the cross-country trail and comes to Valnontey, right in the heart of the National Park.

You will find a map outlininng the snowshoe routes in the area at the Cogne Tourist Office.

  • (+39) 0165.74040

Gran Paradiso

Snowshoe  -  Cogne

Leave the car in the large parking lot at the beginning of Valnontey, continue on the orographic right-side of the stream until you reach the first wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and continue along the track that goes up on the orographic left, being careful not to step on the cross-country trails. Just beyond the Prà-su-piaz pasture, the path becomes narrower and crosses a bridge again, returning to the right. The route reaches the houses of Vermiana. To come back follow the same route. The itinerary being very popular, it is often possible to cover it on foot.

In snowshoes up to Vittorio Sella Refuge

Snowshoe  -  Cogne

From the parking lot, briefly climb the road to the bridge that crosses the Valnontey stream: continue until you reach the Hotel “Lou Tsantelet” and signposts indicating the routes along the Alta Via N. 2. Take the easy path the quickly leads to the “Paradisia” Alpine Garden entrance. Walk along the south-east side of the Garden and enter the larch wood. Slowly climb, following the long mule track spirals, enjoying the views of Valnontey below. You’ll reach a fork after walking for about 1 hour: ignore the right fork and continue straight until you reach a beautiful stone bridge over the Grand-Lauson stream. Climb the right-hand side of the valley, still among the trees, until you exit the larch woods. Continue the rather intense climb to the Pascieux houses. Continue along the shoulder to the Grand Lauson mountain pastures and, keeping to the right of the watershed, cross the stream to the characteristic plain where the Vittorio Sella Refuge is located.


Snowshoe  -  Cogne

An easy ring path without danger and an with an excellent exposure to the sun alternating stretches in the woods to magnificent views. T
he trail starts out in the northern part of the Gimillan village where you find a panel at the beginning of the track. Once arrived at a small chapel continue straight on along the torrent. You reach then a few houses situated in the Pian di Teppe hamlet, you pass them, and then turn left continuing to the hamlet of Serve. A wide path takes you into the woods, then a hairpin bend leads to a clearing in the direction of Gimillan. In a short time, and after enjoying enchanting views on the Gran Paradiso chain and on the Grivola peak you return to the starting point.

The enchanted wood

Snowshoe  -  Cogne

From the Cogne village centre follow the municipal road towards Lillaz as far as the little church in Moline. Take on the right the climbing path that crosses the cross-country trail to Lillaz and reach the Alpine Fauna Study Centre house. Cross, on the right, the meadow below the house and enter the wood. After the junction with the cross-country track continue to go up on the left to a junction where the circular route starts. It is possible to follow this itinerary in both directions. If you continue in an anti-clockwise direction, the route reaches a bar-restaurant and then continues near the cross-country trails and crossing the enchanted Sylvenoire plateau. At the turning point, possibility of descending towards Champlong and Lillaz. The way back, completely immersed in the woods, is characterized by ups and downs and curves among stones figures, trees and snow crystals.

In snowshoes up to Bertone Refuge

Snowshoe  -  Courmayeur

Climb the paved road, often frozen, to the chalet on the left. here you can put on your snow shoes and start hiking in the snow. Briefly climb the snow-covered slope, always beaten, that hugs the frozen stream coming from Val Sapin until you find a crossbar with signposts and a information panel with a themed map of the paths in the Espace Mont Blanc: follow path 42. Climb the beaten slope that takes you to the right to a fork for the Bertone Refuge, well-marked by yellow signposts and a ball.
Continue along the summer path, often beaten, that is rather steep from the get go. The climb continues leaving the last birch trees behind, entering a beautiful woods mainly populated by red firs. The path continues up the slope with a long series of turns to the stone monument dedicated to the Aosta Alpine Battalion.
The path continues crossing South to a bare slope. Cross the endless series of turns as the La Thuile mountains come into view: from Mont Colmet to Mont Crammont. After walking for about an hour, you’ll reach a second path heading South. Take this practically flat path that starts to climb with entering a larch woods. Just above you’ll find another path heading South: this path may be difficult if not beaten or when the snow freezes. At the end of this section you’ll finally see the end. In fact, the snow-covered pastures under the refuge are not far away. Leave the woods entering an extremely scenic area made even more breathtaking by the candid snow. When you reach the signpost, turn right and, gaining higher altitude, you’ll finally reach the Bertone Refuge.

Carefully assess the snow conditions: this excursion is relatively easy when there is not a lot of snow or the snow is stable. However, it becomes more difficult when there is a lot of snow or the path is not beaten.

In snowshoes up to Bonatti Refuge

Snowshoe  -  Courmayeur

From Planpincieux, head towards the start of the Val Ferret cross-country ski track. Take the path next to the slopes and enter the valley. Initially walk along the edge of the Grandes Jorasses camp site for ten minutes until you reach a small chapel: from here, the route flattens out a bit entering the valley with a great view of Tête de Ferret. Slightly ascending, you’ll first pass Pont, Tronchey and Praz Sec d’en Bas. After the last houses, the path hugs the Doire de Ferret and finally reaches Lavachey.
From Lavachey, continue along the cross-country ski tracks heading North-East until you reach a pair of bends: after these, enter the fir woods to the fork for the refuge. Take the summer path, turning to the right, and follow the signposts to climb through the unmarked woods. The steady climb upwards leads to a second signpost hidden in the snow: turn left and climb the series of bends in the woods that lead to the snow-covered pastures under the refuge. Climb this last steep segment out of the woods: the refuge appears with a superb view of Mont Blanc. Climb the last few meters to finally reach the Bonatti Refuge (2026 mt).