A typical mountain chalet style, modern building surrounded by a splendid pine forest, in a wonderful panoramic, sunny and peaceful position. The rooms are neatly and soberly furnished.
The hotel offers national dishes and local regional specialities.



I prezzi sono validi dal 01/12/2023 al 30/11/2024

Come arrivare

In auto

Morgex motorway exit. After the motorway exit, carry on heading left (towards Monte Bianco) for approximately 100 m.
Turn right when you reach the level crossing in front of the cooperative for the production of Vin Blanc de Morgex and carry straight on up to the end of the road. The hotel is on the right level with the crossroads.

Con i trasporti pubblici

The nearest train station is at Morgex.
Scheduled Coach service as far as Morgex (approximately 15 trips a day).
The hotel is close to the la Ruine stop.