When the snow conditions permit, the Gaby ski area offers two cross-country ski trails, one of 7.5 km with stretches of medium difficulty and one of 6.8 km, easy to cover, both groomed for both the classic technique than for skating. Both the longest and the simplest routes allow you to ski on loops of variable length, respectively of 2, 3 and 5 km.

These loops start in the Tzedelabò di Gaby area. The runs heads north, has a slight rise with hairpin turns, and descends towards the main village before continuing south, winding its way alongside the Lys torrent.

  • 7,5 km loop medium
  • 6,8 km loop easy
  • 5 km loop easy
  • 3 km loop easy
  • 2 km loop easy

Free cross-country ski trail