Descrizione del percorso

From the centre of Lillianes, the trail heads upwards fairly steeply, towards the Sassa mountain pasture. The route then turns north, gradually descending from high plateaus to rural villages. From the sunny Coumarial terrace, gateway to the Mont Mars Nature Reserve, the trail passes small clusters of houses, and skims the first section of the route taken by the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Oropa. The stage passes near the “ecomuseum of the medium altitude mountain areas” and crosses the beautiful village of Farettaz with an interesting rural architecture.

From Farettaz the path climbs steeply and crosses small villages with characteristic “rascard”, barns with particular mushroom-shaped supports which were used to keep rodents away.
It is possible to exclude the steepest section with the variant that from Farettaz leads to Plana hamlet along path n° 4.

Well worth a visit is the Gouffres de Guillemore, an extremely deep ravine between the rocks, with a truly impressive waterfall.

Surrounded by woods and traversed by the river Lys, Fontainemore greets visitors with its picturesque medieval bridge and the charming church of Sant’Antonio Abate, built on the rock beside the river.