Descrizione del percorso

From the car-park climb up a few metres and at the first hairpin bend, take an un-made track on the left which soon starts to gently go downhill as far as the stream. A diversion to the left allows you to cross the stream. Soon the farm track comes into view which leads to the Licony mountain pastures over level ground. From the mountain pastures go straight back up the valley until you reach the edge of the glacier which feeds the lake. Details of the excursion: - THE LICONY MOUNTAIN PASTURES Consisting of about twenty simple buildings with dry walls, this is the main mountain pasture in Morgex and the only one equipped to produce Fontina. - THE LICONY LAKE It occupies the base of an ancient glacial circle. The intense blue of the water strongly contrasts with the snow-covered peak of Mont Blanc, which comes into view as you go round the lake.