Open-air swimming pool
Località: Aosta
June from Monday to Friday 11.30 / 19.30 - Saturday and Sunday 11.00 / 19.30
From 1st July to 21st August: every day 9.00 / 20.00
From 22 August to 18 September: from Monday to Friday 11.00 / 19.00 - Saturday and Sunday 10.00 / 19.00
Ingresso festivi e prefestivi:
singolo adulti € 8,00/singolo ridotto (3-11 anni) € 6,00
singolo ridotto (studenti 12-15 anni, over 65, invalidi 100%) € 7,00
Ingresso serale (dopo le 16.00) € 6,50
Ingresso feriali:
singolo adulti € 7,00 / singolo ridotto (3-11 anni) € 5,00
singolo ridotto (studenti 12-15 anni, over 65, invalidi 100%) € 6,00
Ingresso serale (dopo le 16) € 5,50
A 50mx20m outdoor pool with 8 lanes, a 25mx8m didactic pool with 3 lanes and a circular pool linked to the small one, slide for children, big water jets, gyser etc. Varying depths of water either for adults and children. Bar, small children’s playground, dressing-rooms, showers,1 beach volley court infirmary and a green area of 5,000 sqm.