BorghiAmo - tasting and dinner


headquarters of the Enfer Cooperative
  • суббота 06 Август 2022

The event is part of the BorghiAmo review, a calendar of entertainment initiatives in various locations in the Aosta Valley, all belonging to the family of the Italian “Cities of Wine”.

  • 5 pm - Round table “The Enfer of yesterday, today and tomorrow” - Enfer d’Arvier, 50 years of controlled designation of origin. Scenarios and opportunities in a global market between history, culture, tradition, landscape value and sustainability with climate change.
  • to follow, the Festival Œnovidéo® , the most important world festival of films on the vine and wine , proposes some winning films of the last editions:
    Screening of the film “Vitis prohibita” (Fra 2019)
    Original language film with French / English subtitles
    Info on the festival: + 39 328 71 67 226 •
  • from 7.30 pm - tasting of local products and Enfer d’Arvier wine with its 4 producers - for a fee.
  • 8.30 pm - gala dinner at the Vignerons restaurant - limited places, reservations required.

Video and photographic exhibition: the times of wine - the best works selected by a jury, which will allow you to appreciate the many facets that make a wine and its territory unique.

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