Sport Itineraries: Issogne

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Saint-Solutor - Mont-Blanc

One-day excursions  -  Issogne

The excursion starts from the small church of Saint-Solutor, in the Fleuran hamlet, where there is a parking near the church. Go up the path (trail nr. 4) which immediately becomes steep and will maintain a marked slope throughout its development. Pass between rows of vines placed in a gully to quickly reach Créton where there is a beautiful monumental tree (Laurel - Laurus Nobilis). Continue on the left and after passing a footbridge over the stream you meet the crossroads with path n.5 which on the right returns to the valley; continuing on path 4, which now climbs continuously, you reach Mont-Blanc, located on a small clearing surrounded by woods.

Visey – Alpe Aveuil

One-day excursions  -  Issogne

Start from Visey-Dessus and begin to follow the wide path that leads to Brenves; at a certain point, take on your right path nr 3 that leads to Aveuil, where t here is a large meadow an also a mountain pasture. From the mountain pasture you can appreciate a wide panorama of the lower valley.

MOTOTOUR - Pont-Saint-Martin - Verrès - Issogne (Round Trip)

Motorcycling  -  Pont-Saint-Martin


Riding the motorbike, start from Pont-Saint-Martin: the terraced vineyards accompany you up to Donnas.
You will then see the proud silhouette of the Bard fort stand out, an ancientbulwark of defense strategically located in the narrowest point of the central valley. Over the centuries it suffered numerous assaults, up until the decisive one by Napoleon's army, which besieged and destroyed it in 1800. It was rebuilt by the Savoys in 1827. The museums and important temporary exhibitions of the Fort are worth a stop.

Continuing on, after about ten kilometers (6 miles) you come across another imposing structure: the fifteenth-century Challand castle in Verrès open to visits.

And then, on the way back, don't miss the castle of Issogne, a magnificent  Renaissance manor.

A tasty stop is also possible in Arnad, home to the production of Lardo di Arnad P.O.D.  and in the wineries of Arnad and Donnas.