Come Arrivare

Access to the Bike Park La Salle- La Tana degli Orsi (The Bear’s Den) is located near the athletic area in the park behind Maison Gerbollier along the road leading to the hill.
The Bike Park is open to anyone over 6 years of age, who must be accompanied and supervised by an adult: on a bicycle that works properly and has been checked; wearing a fastened helmet and protection devices. The procedural guidelines posted in the entrance to the area clarify the proper behaviour to be observed while on the tracks.

Descrizione del percorso

Bike Park La Salle – La Tana degli Orsi contains 5 trails of various levels of difficulty:

  • track 1- Flow Line: bikers descend following medium curvatures to improve technique on curves and smooth riding.
    There are a series of bumps along the straight tracks so riders can practice coordination between upper and lower limbs.
  • tracks 2 and 3 – Dual Slalom: bikers descend parallel dual tracks that have the same features with curvatures of medium difficulty. The track is semi-competitive level for those who have medium-to-advanced technical abilities.
  • track 4 – Natural Trail: short, easy trail that features rock gardens and log stairways with radial bends. Trail suited for those seeking to overcome obstacles and master their vehicle.
  • track 5 – Pump Track: oval-shaped, double-ring circuit designed to develop MTB techniques. Bikers must increase their speed without pedal power and propulsion, bending and extending arms and legs instead to increase coordination.
    On last track, the back home makes it possible for everyone to easily return to the departure point.

Here the rental shops of MTB