Hiking to Lo Tsatelet natural reserve
Località: Aosta
Curiosity: for the scouts of Aosta, the hill is called “Quota B.P.” (Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting).
Informazioni tecniche
Descrizione del percorso
The reserve is located North-East of Aosta on a hill with steep sides, but from the flat top. It extends over 14 hectares, at an altitude of about 800m.
It is an area of considerable geomorphological and archaeological interest, with landscape aspects typical of the low mountain slopes with southern exposure. In the late Neolithic period, around 3000 BC, a human settlement occupied the top of the hill.
From the Arch of Augustus cross the stream, go over the Roman Bridge and turn left. Once you reach the underpass and the roundabout turn right, the road begins to rise and after about 100 meters take the road that climbs to the left indicated with the signpost 6. Go along the Fontaine Saint-Ours park and go up until you reach Busseyaz. Continue on the road which later becomes a dirt road. Leave the junction on the right and at the next fork, take the first right then the left. Then follow the path that branches off to the right and reaches the recreation area. Follow the path that climbs to the top of the reserve.