Come Arrivare

Take the Morgex motorway exit. Turn right onto the SS26 and then after about 800 m take a left turning onto the road to La Salle. Go past the main centre, and when you reach Cheverel turn right and after 1.5 km you come to Challancin. Go straight on till you come to the no-entry sign.

Descrizione del percorso

Make your way along the farm road that leads to the Alpine pastures. Cross the Challancin pastures and then climb around three wide hairpin bends upto the Ponteilles Alpine pastures. Continue along the road and then after about 150 m you come to the junction for Col de Bard: turn right but not before taking a look at the panoramic view towards Mont Blanc.
Climb up along the farm track which goes through a thick fir-wood and make your way to Arpeilles: from here you take a path that proceeds through the wood half-way up the hillside. After an initial gentle stretch, you start climbing up the ridge-divide with the Comba di Vertosan; make your way through the very dense woods and every now and then you can catch some interesting panoramic views over the peaks that tower above the area around Morgex: from Mont Paramont to Mont Crammont. You go across a clearing, where other tracks point towards the top of the ridge which leads to Punta Fetita; you continue going across the hillside and re-enter the woods. After about 15 minutes the track becomes steeper and climbs rapidly around a few hairpin bends. Then you start to walk normally again, without too steep a climb, and after about 1h 30 mins you come to Col de Bard: from up here you can look down along the Comba di Vertosan. Don’t take the path to Punta Fetita but continue on towards the right in the direction of Court de Bard going through some beautiful surroundings. The path goes gently downwards and then climbs gradually towards our destination: the panoramic view over the surrounding peaks from Grivola to the Mont Blanc massif is quite magnificent. After a lovely walk lasting about half-an-hour you come to the rounded peak of Court de Bard (2261m).