The Torgnon cross country tracks go in two directions: towards the middle Valtournenche (Grandes Montagnes) and towards the south, in the direction of Col des Bornes (La Maisonnette).

The Grandes Montagnes run climbs steeply up towards the alpine skiing slopes and runs around the hillside on the western side of the Valtournenche. The view is dominated by the splendid mountain chain that stretches from the Roisette and the pyramid-shaped Grand Tournalin on to Mount Zerbion. The trail becomes a little more challenging towards the end, but your efforts will be rewarded by the marvellous view of the Matterhorn.

The Maisonnettes trail runs through thick conifer wood. The first part (a 3 km loop) runs around the ski school, stretching towards the lower part of the downhill slopes, with attractive descents on wide-open slopes.

The 5-7.5-10 km loops climb up towards Col des Bornes and the runs in the municipality of Verrayes on to the watershed with the Dora Baltea valley, allowing cross-country skiers to admire splendid, wide-ranging views over the central valley.

Showers and changing rooms at the Foyer de fond.

Grandes Montagnes run:
20 km run - easy/medium difficulty (2 stretches) (can also be reached with the Mongnod-Chantorné gondola lift)

Maisonnettes run:
3 km loop - easy (artificial snow cover)
7.5 km loop- medium difficulty (linked with the runs in the municipality of Verrayes)

Ticket sales: Centre of the village, at the ticket office at the departure station of the chairlift - tel. 0166.540212 and in Plan Prorion at Foyer de Fond Lo Vierdzà (picnic area) - mob. 349.3404632

Consult the snow report to find out which cross-country trails are open.