Description of the route

From Lignan, in the municipality of Nus where you leave your car, you follow the tarmac road leading to the astronomical observatory. From here you go ona dirt road, which climbs grassy slopes up to the Véplace mountain pastures. Then at a junction you turn left onto trail no. 10B, leaving trail no. 11 on your right. You go through a wood with mixed varieties of conifers and come to a dirt road near a hairpin bend. Continue along this path until you reach the Champanement mountain pastures. You ignore the trail on the left which climbs steeply along traces of a footpath, and instead take trail no. 10 to the right until you reach the Plan Piscina plateau and the junction with the Alta Via no.1. Taking the left fork of the AV1 you go upwards until you reach the bivouac.