Description of the route

From the village of Saint-Marcel, continue by car following the signs for Plout sanctuary and the picnic area. Once you reach Troil / Moulin hamlet indicated by the signs, you can leave your car in the public car park located a few meters before the bifurcation on the right. Then take the road on the right that goes up and after a few meters on the left you will find signs 11B and 11C. The path to follow just ahead at the first crossroads is indicated on the left as 11C. This itinerary also known as the “Sled Trail” still has several metal stations built years ago for the project “Patrimoines en chemin” . The very* wide path* climbs into the woods with a slope that varies without ever being too steep. After a few minutes the view overlooks the central valley. In less than an hour you can reach the village of Plout.