Description of the route

From Etirol (1598 m) take the dirt road (n. 107 / 7) that goes into the valley upwards, walk by the summer pastures Tsantsevella and go on to the little lake (n.105), cross the torrent and continue along another dirt road (n.1) as far as the Beutsòlo pastures. Follow this dirt road (no.1) and leave it on the left to take the path that leads to the ruins of Hospice de Chavacour. At the crossroad near the ruins, take itinerary 5 on the right, which soon leads you to Alpe Château. After crossing the dirt road continue along itinerary 5 until you come to another crossroad. Here, ignore the branch on the right which leads to the Rivolta bivouac, and follow the branch on the left which, after crossing the dirt road again, takes you to the pasture of Crot de Loup (Cro du Loï). From here, continue along trail 4 towards the Tsan bivouac. Before you get to the bivouac, take the branch on the right at a crossroad (still route 4), ignoring the left-hand branch for Cima Bianca signposted as 3. From the bivouac, walking almost parallel to Lake Tsan, you come to Alta Via 1(AV1), which you should take on the left until you come to Fenêtre de Tsan.