Description of the route

Driving up from the municipality of Chambave, along the regional road towards Verrayes, reaching the village of Marseiller. Arriving here on the left there are the parking where you can leave the car, an illustrative panel showing the various areas of interest and the entrance of Ru de Marseiller. From the square, walking for 50 metres on the regional road towards Verrayes and take, on your right, the path n. 4 Marseiller-Col de Bornes, which initially follows a dirt road leading out of the hamlet. After crossing the regional road keep on until the irrigation tank: here walk just above it, continuing parallel, until the path crosses the regional road; follow it down for a few tens of metres and take, on your left, the path of rû, leading into the wood, in the hamlet Gubioche; then the track goes into a nucleus of houses, after it crosses the asphalt road for then continuing up on the left, on the path (n. 113), following the itinerary that, in addition to the beautiful view over the valley and the castle of Cly, gives at disposal a healthy path: after the first 300 metres you will see the first fitness equipment and a bench, for a small break. Keeping on walking, after 250 metres you arrive to the asphalt road: on the left a parking for disabled people and, in front, the continuation of the track along the small artificial canal. After other 400 metres you reach other fitness equipment, in Plantery hamlet, as the crow flies over the ruins of castle of Cly, the end of this easy walk.